FIXM Translator Overview
The ATS Message to FIXM Translator translates ICAO or ADEXP ATS messages and produces FIXM version 3.0 XML output that complies with the FIXM 3.0 Logical Model.
The FIXM Translator utilises the Flight ATM ATS Message Parser to parse ICAO ATS messages defined in ICAO DOC 4444 and translates the parser W3C XML output to FIXM 3.0 XML output.
The FIXM Translator relies on the ATS Message Parser to perform syntactic and semantic validation on a message. The FIXM Translator produces the FIXM compliant XML output without performing any error checking during the translation. If an error in an ATS message is detected by the ATS Message Parser, the parser records the error. The error may result in incomplete data for the FIXM Translator to perform a complete and successful translation. Should the FIXM Translator encounter such situations, the erroneous cases are skipped which may result in missing or incomplete data.
The FIXM Translator accepts an ICAO or ADEXP format ATS message as input and returns to the caller, the FIXM 3.0 compliant XML document with a list of errors if the ATS Message Parser detected any errors. It is a callers responsibility to check the errors and take appropriate action. The FIXM Translator tries to assemble as much of a message as it can even in erroneous message input situations.
It should be noted that the FIXM Translator will also translate ADEXP messages (e.g. IFPL) to an FIXM 3.0 compliant XML document.
Download product information [here…].
Try out the ICAO to FIXM Translator demonstration software [here…].
For information on the FIXM project, refer to there web site [here…].
For more information on the EUROCONTROL FIXM project, refer to their web site [here…].